Monthly Archives: November 2022

6 Individual Stylish Line Wall Lights

The way minimalism as a trend is changing goes hand-in-hand with the latest big changes we are experiencing. We already talked about the “new well-being” as one of the major post-covid design trends here, and about the future changes of interior design after covid. The crisis we are living is inevitably cutting what was not necessary, superfluous, meaningless, by giving to the “less is more” concept even a more powerful meaning.

The 22 Best Pendant Lights of November

Tired of not being able to see what you’re doing? Old outdated light fixtures that look old or ugly? Do you have some lighting, but it’s still not bright enough to read a book? Or your room doesn’t have enough built-in lighting?

You don’t deserve to suffer in the dark!

Time to try my picks for the 22 best pendant lights to improve your.